Parliamentary Evening in Brussels 2025

Strong Metropolitan Regions
for a climate-neutral Europe

Parliamentary Evening of the Metropoltian Region Rhineland

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Starting at 6:00 PM @ Representation of the State of NRW to the EU



5:00 PM| Reception

6:00 PM | Welcome and Introduction
Dr. Stephan KELLER, Chairman of the Metropolitan Region Rhineland, Lord Mayor of the State Capital Düsseldorf

Nathanael LIMINSKI, Minister of Federal and European Affairs, International Relations, and Media of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia

6:10 PM | Keynote
Raffaele FITTO,European Commission Executive Vice-President fpr Cohesion and Reforms

6:30 PM | Keynote
Sabine VERHEYEN MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament

6:40 PM | Discussion

  • Agnieszka BARTOL, Head of the Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU (pending confirmation)
  • Andreas FEICHT, CEO of RheinEnergie AG
  • Tina HASSEL, Head of the ARD Studio in Brussels (pending confirmation)
  • Dr. Stephan KELLER, Chairman of the Metropolitan Region Rhineland, Lord Mayor of the State Capital Düsseldorf
  • Dr. Mark SPEICH, Secretary of State for Federal and European Affairs, International Relations, and Media of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

7:30 PM | Rhenish Get-Together

Simultaneous translation available (English/German).



Representation of the State of NRW to the EU
Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Brüssel, Belgien

The nearest parking garage (5 minutes on foot) to the Representation of the State of NRW to the EU:
Rue du Commerce 36, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

We recommend traveling by public transport.


Dietmar Schulmeister
Public Affairs // Energy & Transition

+49 (0) 221 989317-666